Secondary Schools
Exam grades are not everything, but they do matter. They matter because they reflect the effort put in by staff and they matter too because even the slightest improvement can give each child a brighter future. At MMP we help secondary schools in several ways.
- We relieve the burden of marking, we bring a third-party unbiased dimension to assessments, we produce diagnostic QLA reports which reveal interesting findings and we offer in-depth full assessments which are a great way of making pupils engage and progress.
- We specialize in full cohort marking across multiple exam boards and multiple subjects. Many large schools delegate all their Y11 and Y13 mock marking to us.
- Working closely with MMP gives your school a great chance of improving your grades whilst easing staff workload.
- We only work with examiners who have marked officially for the public exam boards, recently, regularly and repeatedly.
- Our examiners are chosen for their experience, expertise and commitment and they work with MMP all year round on a variety of projects. We do not work with seasonal examiners. Our objective is to improve your school’s performance and shoulder your workload.
- Staff well-being is important. By delegating your marking you allow your staff to focus on the job they enjoy best – teaching.
- Even where schools include official examiners on their teaching staff, unintentional, subconscious bias creeps in due to political and emotional pressures. MMP mark on a purely anonymous basis offering an independent, third party perspective.
- Remember in 2021, A and A* grades at A Level rose from 26% in 2019 to 45% when teachers were asked to deliver their own grades. GCSE grades (7 and above) rose from 21.9% in 2019 to 30.2%. Accuracy and a realistic approach are key and it makes sense to delegate marking to official examiners who sit outside your organisation. Ofqual are determined to gently walk results down to 2019 levels. External marking gives you an accurate view of your school’s performance in good time to make a positive difference.
- Our overall cohort commentary feedback is extensive and supportive and is hugely valued by our clients. It enables staff to see their students through the eyes of an independent examiner.
- Why choose MMP? Because the company was founded by a home educator who is passionate about education grade improvement for schools and students. Emma White drew together a team of the highest levels of examiners to ensure her own two sons were best placed to succeed in their GCSES and A levels without teacher support. Both boys won places at Cambridge University, the eldest for History and Modern Languages at Christ’s College and the youngest, aged just 16 to read Natural Sciences at Pembroke College. Their only support was the MMP team who ensured they achieved a superb set of results and through their individual assessments, a true love of learning.
Please read our BLOG page. There are many articles which are of interest to anyone involved in education – home educators, parents, tutors, examiners and schools.
‘We Mark; You Teach ….’
School testimonials…
I am really impressed with this analysis.
UK State School, Ofsted rating OUTSTANDING – Name supplied 2023Can I say we at XXXXX Academy have been really impressed with the quality of marking and service at Mark My Papers. So, Thank you!
UK State School, Ofsted rating GOOD – Name supplied 2023I just wanted to get in touch to thank you for such a prompt and efficient service. We are now in receipt for the first two exam's results and the information provided was clear and easy to manipulate for our own data systems.
UK State School, Ofsted rating GOOD – Name supplied 2023Thank you very much for sending the feedback through. I have been really impressed with how quickly this has been returned.
UK State School, Ofsted rating REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT – Name supplied 2023I have been delighted with the speed and detail here. Thanks very much.
UK State School, Ofsted rating GOOD – Name supplied 2023